

\春休み おはそろチャレンジ/

\春休み おはそろチャレンジ/

毎朝がんばると 何ミールになるかな?

※日本時間の 0時~24時の学習データを1日分とし、翌朝 4時に集計を開始します
※はやおきランキングの掲載対象は朝 6時~8時にミッションに取り組んだ学習者です

Spring break! Morning SoroTouch Challenge!

Let’s start the morning with SoroTouch! If you play SoroTouch between 6AM to 8AM, Present Meals will be automatically sent to you the next morning.
Try to get yourself up a bit early and let’s see how many meals you can get! Try to get a lot of meals to feed your fish!
※ Registration is not needed

Participants: Students whose names appear in the “Early Riser Ranking” on our website.
Early Riser Ranking conditions
※ Students who clear a mission between 6AM and 8AM. Will appear in the “Early Riser Ranking” the next day (4AM JST).
※ Players who don’t complete their mission will not be listed on the ranking.
※ To become eligible for the Early Riser Ranking, students must clear a mission between 6AM and 8AM.
Rewards: 10 Present Meals (sent the next day) ※ JST
Period: Thursday, 3/24/2022 to Sunday, 4/10/2022 ※ JST